You may be wondering what a rock cricket is. The last time I checked Merriam-Webster, it was defined as..

                              Rock Cricket - \'rak 'kri-ket\
                                       n. A fucked little bug that lives in the cracks, crevices, and dark places
                                        of Reservoir Rocks and its neighboring climbing locations.

This website is one part debauchery, one part dirtbaggery, and whatever's left is rock climbing.  We are a group of climbers dwelling in the nether regions of the Berkshires and Litchfield Hills, headquarters being smack dab in the middle of Main St. Great Barrington, MA.

Those that spray:

Andrew Lundeen
(see pictures of Andy's beard @andrewlundeen on Instagram)

When he’s not combing his beard or chasing squirrels at a job site Andy is finding, cleaning, and sending classic new boulder problems. A restless native of northwest Connecticut (the land of no women), he missed his one ticket out – touring with our high school 80’s prog-rock band “Bad Call”. Instead, he stayed put and found solace in the feel of cold and inanimate stones. Once he gathers and redeems enough Busch cans the plan is to buy his dream home – a matching green cap for his Toyota. If this ever happens we are likely to never see him again.

Steve Potter
(check out the strange pack of dogs Steve herds at @stevepotterjr on Instagram)

The “powerhouse” of the rock cricket crew hails from the high hills of New Hampshire and deep woods of the Adirondacks. On any given day he can be found at numerous crags around the area crushing hard boulders and probably cradling a tiny Pomeranian in his jacket. Well traveled, but at heart a true wild man of the north you can usually find a bottle of whiskey or even some box wine in his pack when he’s out rummaging around boulders new and old. Currently residing in Ashley Falls by the peaceful Konkapot River, Steve spends his mornings working to complete his first book. We all know he’s just chugging coldies though. 

Ryan Williams
(follow Ryan's haircuts @ROCKCRICKET on Instagram)

Ryan is the quintessential local. He was born in Canaan, just prior to the arrival Moses and Joshua, and fleeing the ensuing chaos has recently relocated to Great Barrington by way of Burlington Vermont. When bored, Ryan cleans trails, studies topo maps for likely talus fields, or wiles away cold solitary hours insufficiently cleaning classic slab problems. Beware, Ryan is a maniacal environmentalist (as is his blade, Arbanians Bane), so fly like the wind if you murder a Juniper Mountain Laurel near GB. Though his drink of choice is “Coldies,” Ryan has been known to treat himself to a half pint of Yukon Jack with breakfast. His favorite saying is” “Hey! You local?”

1 comment:

  1. Hey yall. I live out in Prescott az but come home everyone once in a while to try and find the dry rock near by my house in Lakeville CT. I was climbing at the Res and someone told me that some of yall have been working on developing some gear lines in the area. As someone who loves any kinda rock I still reminisce when I'm bouldering for some good cracks to put my nuts in. Any suggestions?


Talk shit.